If you have nothing nice to say....shut up!
What the heck happened?
Published on August 1, 2004 By cigars In Entertainment
Just got back from Las Vegas. It was a business trip and I had not been there for some time. It was fun because it was a trade show on Cigars. What the heck happend to Las Vegas? I had not visited Las Vegas for over 5 years and all of a sudden I thought I was in Disney World. The whole character of the strip has changed. It was a bit shocking as I had been there about 10 times before and my recollection was skewed. I guess that the strategy to bring in families is working. About 1/2 the people there were kids. Oh well, I guess Las Vegas is all about the money.
on Aug 01, 2004
Well it is a town full of Casino's.. which the main purpose of is to make money

Yeah Vegas is a town that cater's to those who have money. THey love you up till the moment your last dime is spent, then they don't care a lick about ya. A great city but a bit on the low side for humanitarinism... (is that a word? lol)

I didn't get to see the Cigar show WIsh I had....
on Aug 22, 2004
I think I will miss downtown the way it was. So I won't go.
vegas is for parties and gambling for hours on end, not picnics and field trips.