If you have nothing nice to say....shut up!
I see the commercial and wonder why they are pushing so hard on privacy and the fact that “What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas”. I finally figured it out. For those that have been to Vegas lately, you will notice that every street corner on the strip has TV cameras that are always on. When you walk into a restaurant or casino....the cameras are recording your every move. When you get into an elevator...cameras are looking at you. Walking to your room in the hotel, you will notice a camera every few steps of the hall. I guess that what happens in Vegas stays RECORDED in Vegas forever...and for posterity….The ultimate Big Brother Town!
on Aug 22, 2004
Ding Ding Ding !! This man wins the jackpot!
Get the camera in close when Miss Pootalotta hands him his check!
Sounds like a case for the electronic harrassment folks. Tin foil anyone?
on Aug 22, 2004

i prolly should create a private post for this but if anyone wants a real deal on authentic 'hidden cam' video clips from vegas.  people do the wildest things when they dont realize theyre being watched.  all formats, indoor, outdoor, singles, couples, families w/pets.   lemme know.

on Aug 22, 2004
Interestingly...you are not allowed to use your own camera in the casino. Only they can take pictures......make sure you pay your chits!
on Aug 22, 2004
Interestingly...you are not allowed to use your own camera in the casino. Only they can take pictures......make sure you pay your chits!

There are actually some very good reasons for this, as cheating has become rather sophisticated over the years...and you can't do upkeep on a $100 million casino if people go home with money in their pockets.
on Aug 22, 2004
But if you win big, (yeah I know, not likely) They either comp you a suite so you will stay and lose it back or kick your butt out.